Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Letters to God

An email just came in to inform me that one very close to my family is diagnose with early stage of cancer .... and this brings to mind of the movie that I bought last week -- Letters to God.

This is a true story of a small boy, Tyler ... perhaps 8-10yrs old who has brain cancer. He lives with his widowed Mom and teen brother. This family had to deal with two types of death - one unpredicted or unknown -- their father who died suddenly and now .. this boy ... who faces death -- time and end of the journey is almost known ... how then one prepares to face death?

Tyler seems to be prepared to face death -- with God ... he could sense his own time is coming to an end .... guess, it is God's grace on this boy as he deals with the issue of death ...

Tyler expresses his thoughts by writing letters to God and putting it into his house mailbox. The local postman picks it up and is asked by his boss to "deal" with it .... The letters is addressed God are prayers for the many people in Tyler's life --- be it his family members, neighbors or school mate who is nasty to him. Simple act done ... but he impacted his entire community, from the youngest to the oldest .... by writing letters to God ... an act of praying to God expressed in letter form ... the local postman reads his letters and begin to send the letter out to the person that the prayer was offered ...

How will you live your life if you know that you have 8 months to live? How will your relationship be with a person in your life if you know that the person has only 4 more months to live? Cc tells me that many times God uses sickness and death to speak to us, to give us opportunities to deal with issues in our lives and issues in the relational dynamics ... especially in the family .... what is God speaking to you in the situations of your life now?

Our God is alive today ... does hears our prayers, our cries and will answer our prayers ... My letter to my Good : dear God, I pray for Your mercy and healing hands to intervene and touch this close contact of ours and heal our precious contact in Jesus name .... Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more .. the God of Abraham and Moses is at work ... may His will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Amen!

Watch the movie trailer at : http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi182715417/

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